01 November 2010

Not a doorbell shall be rung despite the porch light

It's Halloween night. Aaron decided to give the kids a break from all the high-fructose corn syrup and pass out pre-packaged delicious Famous Amos cookies. Despite this and the improved weather over last night, we haven't had a single trick or treater all night. We anticipated more last night, families tend to encourage Saturday night trick or treating in Utah if Halloween falls on a Sunday, as it did this year, but as last night brought on continuous bouts of stormy weather, we surrendered our treat-giving privileges to the indoor heated malls and their cheap bowls full of Tootsie Rolls and Smarties.

However much our sorrow at not being able to act like grown ups and stay inside on Halloween, we managed to drag ourselves to a dance with my sister and her friends for fifteen minutes before hitting up a late movie in our costumes. Karen (the sister) dyed her blonde hair black and bronzed herself three times over to achieve a tanned look for her Cleopatra costume. She constructed the dress herself out of a sheet and accessorized with some amazing antique store finds on jewelry. Can I just throw in a shout out here for all those who still believe in homemade Halloween costumes and not the store-bought, last minute variety? Thank you, I salute you! Aaron pulled some things from his closet (just happened to have a pair of black leather pants and genuine cowboy accessories lying around leftover from his childhood horse riding days) and became Jake the Cowboy. He shot off his cap guns all night. I donned my gypsy pants I found in Edinburgh over the summer and wrapped a beautiful shawl around my shoulders and was a Snake Charmer. At the last minute we decided to leave Athena (the Snake) at home because she looked so content curled up in A's pant leg.

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